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Personal Discipleship


During third period on Wednesdays, students take turns meeting individually with their faculty/staff mentors for a 1:1 time of counsel, encouragement, prayer, and accountability. These meetings are guided by each student's Personal Discipleship Plan (PDP), developed and maintained in partnership with the student's parents and local church discipleship contact, and uniquely based on her individual strengths, challenges, and goals for the year in pursuit of our Student Outcomes.

On our Root & Fruit Days held three times during the year, each student prepares and presents a reflection project in a meeting with her discipleship team, celebrates progress toward her goals by God's grace and to His glory, and discusses needed adjustments to her PDP.

While they aren't meeting with their faculty/staff mentors on Wednesday afternoons, students take part in Learning Lab, which offers valuable time to study and work on assignments for other courses while receiving help from teachers as needed for individual areas of weakness or struggle.

Targeted Learning Model

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